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My Day with Truffle Travel

My Day with Truffle Travel

Last Wednesday I got to shoot a promo with the Truffle Travel Girls.
We shot a segment on how awesome Santa Monica is and we toured around the less known local spots on Montana St.

We went to Cheryl Fudge to make some tshirts and modelled them on the runway!

Truffle Travel launches their travel app and website soon!


Facebook King

Facebook King

Last month I had the pleasure of shooting a comedic music video at Dreamworks. It is the first production by Secondary Inspection, Secondary Inspection is a comedy. music group creating online music videos and comedy sketches for both your eye and ear holes.



Acting Reel

Acting Reel

Cras ut urna est. Praesent eu ligula ut ligula tempus porttitor. In at sem ipsum, sed commodo felis. Nullam nec elit sapien. Donec at congue sapien. Mauris a diam nec felis auctor ultrices. Sed tempus mollis orci in viverra.

Hosting Reel

Hosting Reel

Cras ut urna est. Praesent eu ligula ut ligula tempus porttitor. In at sem ipsum, sed commodo felis. Nullam nec elit sapien. Donec at congue sapien. Mauris a diam nec felis auctor ultrices. Sed tempus mollis orci in viverra.